What is WorldCoin ? (WDC)

Worldcoin is a digital cryptocurrency that was launched in 2013. It is based on the Bitcoin protocol and aims to be a global digital currency with faster transaction times and lower fees compared to Bitcoin. However, it is worth noting that Worldcoin has not gained significant traction or widespread adoption compared to more prominent cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, or others.

In October 2021, a new project called “The Worldcoin Project” was announced. This project gained attention for its ambitious goal of distributing its cryptocurrency, also called Worldcoin, to every eligible person on the planet. The project planned to achieve this by using biometric identification, aiming to prevent individuals from receiving multiple distributions. The initiative was met with both excitement and concerns about privacy and centralization.


On their official website they claim the project to be over three years old yet the records show creation Circa 2013.

The following text has been extracted from their introduction.

“More than three years ago we founded Worldcoin with the ambition of creating a new identity and financial network owned by everyone; the rollout begins today. If successful, we believe Worldcoin could drastically increase economic opportunity, scale a reliable solution for distinguishing humans from AI online while preserving privacy, enable global democratic processes, and eventually show a potential path to AI-funded UBI.”

“Worldcoin is an attempt at global scale alignment, the journey will be challenging and the outcome is uncertain. But finding new ways to broadly share the coming technological prosperity is a critical challenge of our time. We hope you’ll join us.”

Worldcoin consists of a privacy-preserving digital identity (World ID) and, where laws allow, a digital currency (WLD) received simply for being human. 

Worldcoin (WDC) In Social Media


Wakey, Wakey.

It looks like we are in for the ride of our generation…NOT. 

We don’t recommend the use of this protocol simply because the developers behind it have connections to the Deep State & MSM. They do not care about human rights when it comes down to being transparent about the whole equation.

Their end goal is to enslave us all, own nothing, be happy and buy into the globalist movement.
This would change our status as humans, from sovereign being to asset.

Please be aware this is our personal opinion and whilst we don’t approve the use of this particular project, you are more than welcome to try it out and become a slave of the New World Order (NWO) and their Digital ID System.

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